Sea Lemon & Beach Vacation @ the Barboza

On a busy Friday night in early April, people filtered into the intimate lounge of the Barboza to see the local bands Beach Vacation and Sea Lemon. Many people in the crowd knew the words to every song, and were excited to show their support.

The first band of the night, Beach Vacation, prompted people to leave their tables and gather by the stage. Members Tabor Rupp, Justyn Newman, Erik Newman, Elijah Marth and Jourdan Wallace each showed off their skills, occasionally switching instruments with each other between songs.

Beach Vacation got a unique start as they originally formed to perform in a high school talent show awhile back. Since then they have expanded their group, and spent time developing their current style. They describe their influences as “ever Swedish pop band” and work this into creating a somewhat nostalgic, alternative indie collection of songs. 

Natalie Lew, known as Sea Lemon, followed Beach Vacation with a ton of energy. From a young age Lew has had a clear interest in the music industry, and originally started out in the band Climates while living in Brooklyn. Since then she has pursued her own style, and uses her own experiences in a way that connects listeners to her music. The entire band engaged with the audience, and at every opportunity Lew was head banging and dancing along. 

Both bands created a chill atmosphere at the Barboza, despite their enthusiastic performances. They each played recent releases and teased upcoming ones. Sea Lemon released a new song this last March, and Beach Vacation in February; you can expect more from them in the next year!

If you are in the Seattle Area and enjoy fun, upbeat and introspective music, keep an eye out for these two! There will be plenty of opportunities for you to check out these bands at your local venues. 

Find their new music here or on Spotify!

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