The Darkness takes over the Brooklyn Bowl in Nashville

Last Friday, I took a drive to Nashville to check out the Motorheart Tour as it stopped by the Brooklyn Bowl — a venue I’d never visited but immediately fell in love with and knew it was a perfect place to host the British multi-platinum rock band, The Darkness, and their Nashville-native supporter, The Dead Deads. I was vaguely familiar with The Darkness going into the show but still a bit unsure of what I was about to witness, but everyone I had told about this endeavor prior to attending ensured I was in for a treat. And that was not a lie.

The venue was efficient and lively, the food, lighting, and overall vibes immaculate, and the excitement growing. I was on the edge of my seat by the time three lovely ladies took the stage to kick things off. I learned they were The Dead Deads and they were quick to announce this was their hometown show and thank the fans in the audience that were obviously there to see them, donned in punk, gothic clothes and sporting the band’s signature makeup.

It took no time to get the crowd pumped up. The girls showed off their instrumental skills while McQueen killed the drums and lead singer and guitarist, Meta, and bassist, Daisy, delivered an impressive range of vocals that made for a funky, bold set that successfully hyped up the audience in time for The Darkness. One minute, I was comparing Meta to Madonna, the next Lzzy Hale, and the set was an extremely fun ride from start to finish.

Between acts, I assessed the people around me, taking note of the wide age range that made up the crowd. Perhaps the lineup for the tour created such a mix, but after watching The Darkness perform, it was easy to see how they kept their longtime fans interested while attracting new ones throughout the years.

Their stage presence was striking in all aspects. While bassist, Frankie, and guitarist, Dan, brought the nostalgia with their big hair and leather jackets, drummer, Rufus, provided a more modern feel, and front man, Justin, sparkled (literally) with his Freddie Mercury-like performance — there was even dancing and handstands and everything! His outfit changes and the band’s use of their “secret weapon,” acoustic guitar, and a cowbell brought a uniqueness to their sound and performance, creating an entertaining set the whole way through.

Additionally, the crowd was going wild and singing all the lyrics back to Justin. His brief monologues between songs felt personable and influenced an eruption of laughter, whistles, and cheers every time. You could tell the band and their fans have an unbreakable bond for life.

You can catch this incredible show on the remaining dates of the Motorheart Tour in the United States. Be sure to check out both bands on their socials and stream their latest releases.

The Darkness - Official Website


The Dead Deads are the 21st century rock'n'roll band you've been waiting  for | Louder


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