Interview with Alive in Barcelona

West coast post-hardcore band Alive in Barcelona released their 3-track EP, “Flatline” on November 4th. Guitarist Jesse Barton sat down with KMC to talk about their mission, the album’s overarching theme, and plans for 2023.

ASH: How would you describe your sound to someone who may have never heard your music before?
When someone asks us what Alive In Barcelona sounds like, we usually describe ourselves as an Active Rock band with a Post-Hardcore background. Aggressive Radio Music.

ASH: Who are your musical influences?
Each of us has a wide array of musical influences. But some of my personal favorites are Architects, As I Lay Dying, The Plot In You, Too Close To Touch, and Saosin.

ASH: Your EP “Flatline” was officially released on Nov 4th,  it’s so well thought out and touches on some dark subjects. Can you talk about the overarching theme of the album?
Yes, Flatline was written mainly during the pandemic. During that time the world was the most polarized we’ve ever seen it. You had people turning on their families and friends because of “Vaccines/No Vaccines”, “Democratic/Republican” “Pro Life/Pro Choice” etc. We used to be able to have a difference in opinion but still be able to check that at the door during a get-together. That went out the window entirely during the pandemic and the world became a hateful place. I think a lot of the overall “feel” of the record came from that, however, we tried to keep political theme out of the lyrics. We kept it personal to us by touching on the state of the music industry, the fans and foes, and how lifelong supporters could turn on you at the drop of a dime. 

ASH: Landon Tewers from The Plot In You co-wrote on the album, can you tell us about that creative and writing process with him?
Landon was great to work with. We did Parasite and Asphyxiate together and they were a blast to write with him. We basically sent ideas back and forth to each other until we both were happy with the overall instrumental. From there, we took the songs on head first adding lyrics and melody to the instrumentals we had created with Landon.

ASH: You’ve put out a music video for Decay and my favorite song off the album Parasite. Any plans for a video for Asphyxiate?
I think we accomplished what we set out to with Flatline, and our next video will be for album number 2. Asphyxiate is my personal favorite and as much as I wanted there to be a video for it, It just didn’t turn out that way this time. 

ASH: How does this album differ from the other music you’ve released?
Flatline is so different from our self-titled release. When we wrote the self-titled, I think we were so new that we sometimes found ourselves curating our sound to what we thought people wanted to hear, and not always the way WE wanted it. This time we wrote the music we wanted to release instead of what we thought people wanted from us. 

ASH: Can you tell me about the mission statement you’ve come up with? 
This band has always tried to be a guiding light to those in need. To help the broken. We all were just bullied outcasts in school that didn’t have a place to fit in. Music gave us a home. We have always set out to do the same for someone else. 

ASH: If you could tour with any artist/band who would it be?
AIB: The Plot in You, Architects, Rivals.

ASH: Any plans to tour in 2023?
Yes, You will see us back in the saddle in 2023!

ASH: Which songs are on your current personal playlist?
Oh man, that goes on and on. I still listen to music I did in high school and also music I just discovered. Currently, I’m jamming Bleed From Within, the new Thousand Below, and this progressive band The Omnific. 

ASH: At KMC we are passionate about mental health advocacy. What piece of advice would you give someone who’s struggling with their own mental health?
The world is never better off without you. When you’re already at rock bottom, life can only get better from the bottom. And it will get better. 

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